
Archive for April, 2018


A gnawed-over shed.

I was surprised when normal gobbling time came and went and I didn’t hear any turkeys. I waited until about ten

White Trilium

after six in the morning before uttering a “stimulation” call. It worked! A hen approximately 120 yards below me answered my calls with some cutting followed with two gobbles. I quickly set up and repeated my actions and the two birds repeated their responses. All became quiet.

I knew calling a tom turkey from his hen would be next to impossible, but what other choice does a turkey hunter have?  I heard a second gobbler far off presumably within posted lands. He wasn’t very enthused with the morning either. After a spell of silence I began to walk in the second bird’s direction. I hoped to work him from the posted signs. However, the gobbler below me opened up on his own. I resettled down and began cutting and the turkey went crazy with triple gobbling.

Trout Lily

Just when I was feeling just maybe something unique might happen the hen began calling again. A second hen did some chirping and the last gobble I heard was

Rue Anemone

down over the hill. I went after the second gobbler only to peer out a gas line into the posted property to see a set of eyes returning the glare. I had called before going up and over this ridgeline and received no answer. I hate when that happens. I crossed the road and went up over the next hill. A coyote opened up with barks, yips and howls for ten minutes. The dog was close, but I never saw the ‘yote.


No beard on this bird.

This morning I was back up the hill listening. I heard a distance gobbler and began to move towards him when a second tom exploded about 120 yards or so from me. I had to set and work this bird. A hen began yelping near the gobbler . A second hen later clucked. I tried to fire up the hen to have the gobbler follow. I saw her fly down and called her right into my lap, so to speak. She carried on and circled me before I purposely chased her off.

The first gobbler gobbled a couple of times and I went after him crossing a hollow and climbing the opposite hill. I called and was answered. I moved in and set up. the bird seemed interested gobbling occasionally at my calls and sometimes on his on. I moved again. I eased towards a gas line road where a grassy area was kept mowed. The bird was in this area. I called and he was closer. I had to set up immediately.

The set up site had some issues. Multiflora Rose was leafed out and between the gobbler and I was a patch of the thick briars. I had to play the dealt cards. Soon the gobbler was within range but out of site due to the brambles.  However, an opening was directly in front of me and if the bird moved a little I may be able to see him clear. A second issue soon became apparent.  There is a shallow sway along this gas line road.

Hickory Nut

I was cold and aching for almost a two hour set, so I became aggressive with some cutting. Suddenly, a hen answered along with the gobbler. Now I knew why he wasn’t coming directly in to my attempts. He had a girlfriend. The hen seemed angry with my cuts and started towards me. remember these birds were within range but hid. She was coming. I began to level my gun and out of nowhere she came up out of that sway. She was about twenty yards away. Immediately I saw the gobbler’s fanned tail. He would strut and look. I couldn’t see if he had a beard although I was certain he would be carrying a brush. I couldn’t see his beard because of the terrain. The hen was on me in seconds. I was caught in a bad way. She was eight yards away or so.

Red Squirrel



So, I have a hen very close and a gobbler that suddenly walked up over the sway and was somewhere between 12 and fifteen yards staring right at me. I could now see a nice thick beard but I could not move. The big bird was getting nervous and a few seconds later it was all over.  Close but no done deal! I don’t shoot at running or flying turkeys so he’ll be around for another day.


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Yes, the morning felt like the spring season has finally came to stay.  the woodlands certainly are looking like spring has “sprung.”


Wild Leek

Wildflowers are showing signs of a rapid spurt in growth. I checked past records of mine and many wildflowers at this time of the year were well on the way in regards to blossoms. Today’s jaunt had trillium species with buds, but I failed to see any in full blossom. Morels are non-existent, too. I have checked with other morel hunters across the state and few are finding any at this time.

The Wild Leek (Ramps) are up and doing very well. I checked on several large patches of them.  Mayapples are at different growth rates. Some areas show very young growth and other places have Mayapples around eight inches high. I have seen them much higher by this time of the year. The weather into April definitely affected their growth cycles.


I saw two male Ring-neck Pheasants this morning. I managed some photos of both of them. they looked beautiful with their colors. Their courtship is on!

I heard a distant gobble. Eventually, I was in the area and offered some yelps. Gil-obble-obble-obble was the response. I would hear three gobblers in short order. I called in all three of them. The underbrush caused only one photo. However, if the spring gobbler season had been on I would have filled out a tag.

 The one in the photo became alerted with my movement of trying to get a god focus. They all walked out uttering some alarm putts. They didn’t run away because the birds didn’t actually identify me as a man.

I circled a couple of hill and heard another gobbler at eleven o’clock. This turkey gobbled about four times deep within posted property.

I saw a Great Blue heron and two Canada Geese. One was at the nest.

Rattlesnake Flower

Chestnut hulls


Handsome feller indeed!

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Wild Leeks or Ramps

This morning was planned to accomplish a number of items from my list. First in my mind was to be in the woods to hear gobblers at dawn. Surprisingly, I heard only one at this site.

  I had planted Wild Leeks, also known locally as Ramps, on my property. Last evening I dug up a few to transplant to an area where this native plant is missing. This area I often hunt and hike was in years past farmland with cattle and agriculture. This was way before my time. Today the area is a woodlands, however, those past farming practices often completely destroyed many native wild flowers. The Leek is one such plant.

The Leek is an interesting plant. Each bulb send up a couple of leaves that reach about six inches. This happens in April and by June the leaves are withered away and a stalk of small white flowers grows. The bulbs can be eaten for they have a onion-like flavor. In fact, some places actually have festivals and special feeds to commemorate the plant. I jus\t think the plants look great in the early spring woods. I know of some sites where the Leek grows dense and covers a large area.

Later in the morning I began skirting the property and planting a stalk at various places. I have hopes that in the future large areas of growth may, once again, find these hills home.


Canada Goose on nest

Another agenda item was to erect a bird house I recently made. Actually, I made three with leftover remodeling wood. I had one left and today the box was to find a home.

  I needed to visit my cousin, Donnie so I incorporated my traveling to stop at his home. I saw a number of turkeys at  several sites. Deer were everywhere!

I located a nesting Canada Goose. She stayed tight as the mate circled about giving me the evil eye. Two Mallard Ducks swam about as I watched.










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The view overlooking Paige Run and Red Run

After a rather rough night for sleep I had the tent packed and was on the road prior to sunrise. The eastern sky was illuminated and a nice day was to be reality.

Red Run

I stopped along the Quehanna Highway and walked back through the woods to, hopefully, hear some gobbling. I didn’t hear any turkey talk at all. I didn’t allow a lot of time to listen, for a had an agenda to follow. I wanted to be overlooking some deep hollows early to take advantage of the morning sun casting deep shadows. This should give up a few nice photo opportunities.

One of many deer sightings.

I walked along a trail to a huge rock where I could see a great distances. The sun was doing what I had hoped and I took a number of photos.

I followed this trail down over a steep and rocky hill until I could see, and hear, Paige Run. (Paige Run meets up with Red Run.) What a beautiful stream with fast waters cascading over many rocks. Rhododendrons added a much needed color contrast with the deep and lush greens. I climbed the hollow and eventually crossed the stream to head up the other side. I reached the top and noticed the sounds of the fast water were almost absent. Suddenly I heard it…a gobble way off! I listened until I knew the direction and you guessed it… the bird was across the big hollow I had just come out of. Off I went in reverse to see if I could locate this turkey.

 I heard the turkey once more as I entered the ridgeline from where the gobbling had occurred. I listened for a time and decided I should get to fishing. The first morning of trout season was already well on the way. I was to fish Red Run for native Brook Trout. There was one catch. (No pun intended.) I would not be fishing if the stream was crowded. I pulled over along the road to NO VEHICLES.  I was elated. The time was 9:30 in the morning.


Native Brook Trout

Action was fast. I began catching, and loosing, and missing Brook Trout immediately. I spent over two and a half  hours along the waters. I released all the trout. Native Brook trout never achieve and size in such streams, but that was fine with me for I was alone. Only two vehicles traveled the road during that time.

Wykoff Run

I was going to fish Jack Dent Run as I headed towards home only to find a lot of pressure on that stream. Apparently, the Pennsylvania Fish Commission had stocked these waters. I decided to travel slow on state forest roads to see what I could see and move on into Parker Dam to fish.

I arrived at Parker Dam and continued on. The people were everywhere fishing. I did some sketching for the upcoming painting before moving on towards home earlier than previously planned.







Reasons why my legs hurt!

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Table Falls on Paige Run

Most know I love walking and exploring. Hiking was to be a big part of my excursion into the wild area of Quehanna within the Moshannon State Forest.


Porcupine gnawings

I checked the two areas for Osprey activity. (See a previous post.) Following watching the Fish Hawks for a time I moved on to the  hollow featuring Wykoff Run. I debated on what might be in store for Wykoff Run during the next morning since the first day of Pennsylvania’s trout season was to begin. I quickly determines the fishermen would be prevalent. However, the Quehanna Trail crosses over so I decided to hike a few hours and explore the area.

This hike began by crossing Wykoff Run and continuing up a continual grade  following a hollow. Approximately one third of the way up the hollow the terrain quickly changed. ROCKS! The slopes on both sides of my ascent were covered with rocks.  There were still trees growing up here and there wherever seeds managed to find soil, but they woodlands here was not dense. However, once you look approximately forty to fifty yards one could see changes in the vegetation. The hill on my right while climbing had a distinct line of thick rhododendrons. The opposite side had more woodlands and hemlocks. I kicked out a grouse here and the bird flew into the mass of rhododendrons. I was surprised to see a Ruffed Grouse within such habitat.

Eventually I reached the summit of this mountain and the habitat again changed quickly. I know was seeing short leafless shrubs and masses of last years Hayseed Ferns. I continued on the trail eventually intersecting another trail called the Old Sinnemahoning Trail. I moved on for a distance before turning around to head back towards the jeep.                                                                    

I could hear something in the distance. With the windy conditions of this day I speculated if the sound s were from turkeys. The noises had a feel to me of turkey’s cackling and determining pecking orders. BUT, I knew that Wood Frogs can sound like distant turkeys. I have been fooled before on these reptiles. I eased along and realized I was hearing the frogs.  I visited a couple of these water holes on the mountain’s top. Besides the frogs many Red-spotted Newts could be viewed swimming about. I saw some tadpoles, also.

 I returned to the jeep several hours later and drove to Red Run Road. I walked several miles of the Quehanna Trail here, too.  I scrambled along to see parts of

Red-spotted Newt

Paige Run including the Table Falls. Paige Run intersects with Red Run making for a beautiful waterways with lots of cascading falls. (I would be exploring Paige Run higher up the mountainside tomorrow.)

I knew this Red Run would be holding native Brook Trout. I would be here tomorrow.

I had three long bearded gobblers gobbling at my calls. I managed a few photos despite the small trees making it hard to keep a good focus. I would later see a lone hen.

I saw five elk this day, but I didn’t get any good photos.

  I had a lot of problems as to where to pitch a tent for the night. You can’t tent on Quehanna Wildlands forest lands. You can’t pull along the road and sleep in a jeep either. Just a bout an hour before dark I bit the bullet and rented some space at Benezette. The Spring Peepers were just a few yards from my tenting experience. Sad to say the road noise that evening was tremendous. Also, sad to say I am in need of additional things to use while tenting. Air mattress will be purchased before any other tenting. By one thirty in the morning I was as the Princess and the Pea

Boulder Ferns

play. In the play a pea was placed under many mattresses. The reasoning for the pea was to determine if the lady to sleep on it was truly a princess. Her royal blood for feel that pea causing for a restless night. I felt everything so I must be a prince.

I did some field sketching while on this excursion. I am planning a painting that will feature rocks. I sketched and photographed reference photos of rock details. In fact the studying of rocks was a big reason I planned this adventure. (Expect a future entry on the painting.)                              

Turkey Vulture









Shagger’s Inn shallow water impoundment

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Osprey on the nest

Thursday around noon I was visiting my friend, Frank “Muskie” Maus to discuss hand-held GPS systems. I was heading out for a couple of days in the woodlands to hike and fish. Frank was going to give me some basics. While we sat on the porch I looked only to see an Osprey flying over. I always love seeing these birds. 

  The next morning found me at two separate sites in the Moshannon State Forest Quehanna Wild Area. The Ospreys each nests at these two sites. I saw, at least, four of the Fish Hawks either on the nests or in flight. Of course I needed to try to get some pics.

The one nest was out rather far for the lens I have on the camera, but I still took some photos. There were Canada Geese and various other species of waterfowl on the lake. The birds weren’t concerned with the Osprey flying about. They must have read the manual and knew the Osprey usually dines on fish thus the name “Fish hawk.”

The other site yielded an Osprey nest with a pair of active birds in the area. Last year this nest was surrounded with water, but not this time. The enclosure had been drained due to Beaver damage and is scheduled for repair completion later this year. Despite not having water all around the nest the birds returned as they have in past years.

I will add more entries with additional photos from my time afield.


Beaver lodge

The work of Beaver’s teeth.

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Last Snow?



Saturday, April 7, yielded a two inch blanket of fresh snow. I desired to get out early and take photos for the snow


wasn’t expected to be on the Pennsylvania landscape much into the day.

The wilds were beautiful as snow was covering everything. The scenes were likened unto a winter wonderland although officially we are a couple of weeks into the spring season.

The first tracks I saw were from the White-footed Mouse. A set of Weasel tracks were in that area, too. I wonder if the Weasel had a meal. Other tracks I had seen this morning were Deer; Coyote; Robins and Squirrels. I would only see three deer this day. Later I watched a turkey feeding in an open area where the snow had already melted.




Burdock seed pods

A lot of birdlife was viewed. Besides Robins many Juncos and Song Sparrows were out and about. I saw a pair of Mallard Ducks on a pond and a Great-Blue Heron. A Red-tailed Hawk finished the view. A number of crows, apparently, had an owl secured in a pine. The raucous they created would have waken up the dead, so to speak.

Red-tailed Hawk


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