
Archive for August, 2023

Deer Galore

From past posts here, the reader will remember of a huge oak falling down near my house. The crew took three days to clean up the massive tree, but I had a number of issues I would have to deal with. I had to cut out and replace bricks, erect a new exterior light pole and split wood to sell and give to some friends.

My time was busy as one might imagine. I am presently finishing up repairing and re-erecting a front deck. The root pushed the deck out-of-whack, so to speak. I originally built this deck over thirty years ago. Joice hangers had rusted in places and the upheaval from the roots snapped them. As I type this the deck should be completed by tomorrow.

I still managed to get out for some walks and photo-taking. One noticed subject were the deer. I saw a lot of deer on my excursions with plenty of pics. I am including some on this post.

Notice this doe’s winter hair coming in.

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