
Archive for August, 2022

Notice the deer in the background. I didn’t see the deer until after I took the photo.

Hedge Bindweed…a wild Morning Glory

Dew-covered Foxtail

A specie of Warbler that I haven’t identified.

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I can honestly state I would have never guessed what encounter I would see this morning. I had moved down through the woods to a stream and when I was about the cross over a log, I immediately saw the owls. One was a Barred Owl and the other was a Great-horned Owl of the year.

I do not know what had transpired prior to my discovery but I believe the Barred Owl may have attacked the Great-horned Owl, perhaps believing a meal could be had. Mu approach closer allowed for the Barred Owl to begin to move away through short flights. I managed a number of photos.

Barred owl…notice the injury around the eye.
The Great-horned Owl by some rocks below some tree roots.

Close-up of the Great-horned Owl.

In time I had circled back around, and the Great-horned Owl was still in the area. The Barred Owl had left. The Great-horned Owl probably had some injuries, but I could not see anything obvious except ruffled feathers. I do hope the bird survives. This event brings about a reality of the natural world and that is the cruelty of nature.

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A Walk at Crooked Creek

Crooked Creek at the Mud Flats

I ventured out for some wildlife snooping at Crooked Creek State Park in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. One never knows what one might see on these lands. Today was no different.

I would see two fawns and a couple of adult deer. I saw a flock of young turkeys with their mother. I had not seen many poults this season thus far, so I was elated to see a flock of maybe ten birds.

As I walked the shoreline, I would see two eagles chasing each other. The birds were too far for a photo. I was setting on a log watching the skies and the water surface. I could see a nice-size flock of Canada Geese up and around what has been called the Mud Flats. This ground area on the lake has been increasing in very recent years. There is now vegetation growing on it. A couple of years ago I attempted to walk over onto this land and at one point sank in the mud up to my groin area. I placed a blog entry on that experience. I thought someone would find my white-bleached bones, but I managed to get out.

Boat launching area
Belted Kingfisher

Othe species of interest included a couple of Kingfishers. I managed a few shots. I would walk onto a flock of Cedar waxwings. These birds are nomadic and move about in small flocks. If you find some look quick for tomorrow, they may be moved to somewhere else. However, they are an attractive little bird. They get their name, in part, for a brilliant red area on the wing that looks like wax. I saw a Red-shouldered Hawk.

Cedar Waxwing.

One of many Killdeers along the water.

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I believe this may be a species known as the Grasshopper Sparrow.

It doesn’t take long to see the natural world moving quickly towards the autumn season. As a wildflower enthusiast I have learned to tell seasons by the blooms of various species of wildflowers. The end of the season will be upon us before one knows it. Currently the Ironweed with the brilliant purples is in bloom as the Goldenrods are presently emerging into their bright yellow hues. The various Asters will be blooming soon.


Bull Thistle

I was about three feet before possibly stepping too close to this Bald-faced Hornet nest. It, probably, would not have gone well for me!

Not one hundred percent sure of this specie of Dragonfly, but it is a beaut!

I noticed this Black Snake emerging from my landscaping this afternoon. I ran for the camera. In the couple of minutes, it took to retrieve the camera the snake had ventured out onto the yard. I fell to my belly to snap photos. Most were blurred too much for the snake was moving as I tried to keep up.

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Lots of Deer!

The photos above were of two deer. I was sneaking along and saw the orange-red color among the underbrush. I knew immediately I was seeing two deer. As they fed with their heads down, I would move until I reached about thirty yards or so. I positioned with camera aiming towards an opening. The plan worked flawlessly and the two edged out into the opening allowing for some photos. It wasn’t long before the lead deer became suspicious just prior to a snort and a run.

I saw the fawn first, but I saw the corn leaves moving violently to the left. Mama doe emerged followed by a second fawn.

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I finally read the book, “BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE”. And I must state the book was, quite possibly, the saddest book I have ever read!

A very similar scenario would take place with each, and every tribe involved. The scene often began with greedy men upon discovery of gold on Indian lands or of land speculators seeking to obtain their lands to sell at a huge profit. The next ingredient were the dishonest and powerful politicians. Indian agents would be sent out to make treaties with the various tribes with many promises. Once the treaty was signed and catalogued then the treachery and deceit would come into play forcing Indians onto reservation lands with more promises. Those who refused would be eventually hunted down for capture or death!

Some Indian leaders understood the lies and deceptions and would refuse to capitulate. Sometimes once these native people spent time on the reservations a rebellion would come into existence. Afterall, their way of life was forced into another way of life. They were forced onto lands nobody wanted. The leaders would see their women and children suffer diseases, hardships and the lack of food. Rations were always in the promises but often failed to arrive, were highjacked by greedy men charging high prices to the Indians or the rations were just bad and not the best for eating. Many times, the horses were suffering and thinning due to lack of grasses for them to eat. Younger warriors would become very agitated over these constant abuses often leading to their leaving the reservations to obtain food or take vengeance in some cases.

The book describes a number of instances where the soldiers charged into villages shooting and killing and mutilating any Indian. There are times when many, many Indian ponies would be corralled and shot. Bisons were killed by the thousands and left to rot.

The question to ask today is, what would YOU DO when pushed into a situation of no hope?

This entry is a “Reader’s Digest” version of events of those times. It will bring a tear to your eye as you see the corruptness, injustices and greed of the United States Government in collusion with the U.S. Military being ordered into such actions by politicians and wealthy individuals and groups wanting as much as they can obtain.

God have mercy on these native people.

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My positive result

To begin with this story, I feel the need to add some details prior to the explanation of my bout with covid. I have had asthma all of my life although I was not diagnosed until the 1980 time period. I usually keep the illness managed well enough to function somewhat. Also, I have dealings with vertigo, although the extreme is, thankfully, uncommon. I say that because I have had dizziness sensations much of my life. For example, if my dad would drive too fast over a certain bump at Brick Church, Pennsylvania, I would feel dizziness and nausea. Some spinning amusement rides would make me sick. My first vertigo attack was in 2013. That event was a terrifying one for me. I thought I was having a stroke. Today they are very uncommon for I have learned to do an exercise to keep those crystals in my inner ear in place.

Sunday afternoon of July 31, I felt a vertigo experience happening. I expressed either verbally or in my thoughts the words, “OH NO!” Immediately it stopped, but I was concerned. The rest of evening I felt slightly dizzy at times with a subtle headache.

The following day I was having the asthma common two-syllable, cough. No biggie for I cough like this every day, so I wasn’t too concerned. However, on Tuesday the coughs were more prevalent. I played guitar at a church on Tuesday evening and noticed the inhaler wasn’t working well.

Tuesday, I mowed my yard and the neighbors and didn’t feel anything too bad.

Tuesday night I started harder coughing and slept very little. On the very early morning of Wednesday the 3rd, I began choking until I vomited up phlegm. I felt better afterwards but was exhausted. I remained in bed all day except bathroom breaks. I didn’t eat anything until I had awakened at 7:45 PM. The coughing began again, but I discovered I had a severe pain at the base of my left ribcage. The coughing had strained a muscle apparently. I tried to suppress the coughs the best I could.

Thursday morning, I was very suspicious as to if I may be dealing with covid and not the asthma. Laurie said she had a test kit sent from our insurance company. As you can see the test was positive. The coughing continued as did the nausea and dizziness. Early Friday morning I was vomiting again and that stopped the coughing for my lungs were, now, clear.

Friday afternoon found me on the computer asking covid questions. Can covid trigger vertigo-like effects and could covid trigger asthma-like coughs? Both responses were the same…YES! So, the covid virus was expressing itself on the 31st, but I failed to recognize it. The same with the asthma coughs.

I am typing this report on August 5 and with the exception of a slight headache and fatigue, I am feeling fair. I hope I do not need to come back here to type in reoccurrences.

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